1. Installation and Authentication

b. If you already have a Vidzflow account, head over to your profile page at https://app.vidzflow.com/profile. In the "API Key" section, you'll find an empty field.

c. To generate an API key, click on the "Regenerate" button. A new API key will be created for you to use with the app.

d. Note that regenerating the API key will log you out of any active sessions in the Webflow Designer extension, if you have one.

e. If you don't have an account yet, head over to https://app.vidzflow.com/register to create your Vidzflow account. Once registered, visit your profile page to generate your API key.

f. Copy the API key using the "Copy to Clipboard" button and proceed to the Webflow Designer extension.

g. Enter the API key into the designated field in the extension and click the "Confirm and Connect Accounts" button to authenticate your Vidzflow account.

Last updated