How to add a member

  1. Select a workspace you want to invite an user to using the workspace switcher.

  2. Go to the members page by clicking the members button.

  3. Click the "Invite members" button.

  4. Enter an email of the user you want to invite.

    1. You can also invite users that are not using Vidzflow yet, an email will be sent out and upon accepting the invitation, they will be redirected to registration page to create an account, after which they will be automatically added to your workspace.

    2. If the user already has a Vidzflow account an email will be sent out along with a notification, allowing them to accept or decline an invitation.

    3. You can also attach an optional message to the invite, which will appear in the sent email and on the invitation screen.

  5. Wait for an user to accept invitation

Last updated