5. Share or Embed Video

Sharing Links:

a. On the video settings page, find the sharing options in the menu on the left.

b. Click on the "Share" tab to access the sharing links.

c. You will see options to copy direct links for a video with the player or a raw one without.

d. Select the desired link and use the copy button to copy it to your clipboard.

Embedding Videos:

a. To embed the video on a website or platform, navigate to the "Embed" tab within the video settings.

b. In the video size section you can decide on the size of the video you want to embed. The default option is "Responsive," which means that the video's height and width will be set to 100% to adapt to different screen sizes.

e. If you want to embed a video with fixed dimensions, choose "Fixed," and set the specific dimensions (for height and width).

Copy the embed code snippet by clicking on the "Copy code" button.

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